Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring Break-ing it down

Yes, I am alive. Barely. But I'm alive. I know I have people who are following this blog and while I must apologize for not writing in it every day like I said I was going to, the problem is finding the motivation to do so. I have been fighting a cold ever since we landed in Olomouc and today is the first time it feels like it is getting better. I have spent countless hours coughing, sneezing, hacking up anything, and it has really wore me out. So blame it on the cold for me not wanting to write a blog entry for the past week and a half or so. Another reason why I find it difficult to write a blog entry is that I am still working without a computer. Apple is taking their sweet ass time sending my operating system discs to my dad and then I have to wait as he sends them to me, since Apple couldn't do it themselves. But whatever, I'll be getting baked goods and other stuff when my discs are sent so it'll be worth the wait.

There really has not been much of anything going on in this city since my last blog post. We have yet to go on a group trip since our venture to Prague and Dresden, and out schedule has been filled with Czech language classes and our lectures that everyone enjoys oh so much. Our group did have our first Czech language "test" the other day, to gauge where we were at with what we had learned thus far. The test wasn't officially graded, although I'm not 100% sure about that. I did manage to score a 94.5%, so I am fairly happy with what I am able to regurgitate from my memory banks. This is just like Spanish class all over again...spend 9 weeks learning about the language, study for the tests, take the tests, forget what you've learned. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to need the Czech language when I leave on May 30th. I will remember certain phrases and food items, but other than that, I will not know how to put a sentence together, nor should I need to. The language classes go by quick, so they are by far my favorite out of all we do in the mornings.

It's hard to believe that we landed in the Czech Republic on March 15th and that it's already April 10th, basically a month overseas. There are certain things I'm craving desperately back home, like a Chipotle burrito, pops with refills, not paying for water at a restaurant, and my puppy Tank. I am enjoying my time here in the Czech Republic, but don't think I'm not ready to go home yet sitting in the back of my mind. I do love it here, I love the group, the friendships, just know that May 30th is circled on my calendar. The amazing part about this is that we have roughly 50 days left until we leave the dorms we have called home now for a month, but only half of that time will be spent in Olomouc. Including weekends and our last free week, we will be in this city 27 days out of those 50, the rest will be spent travelling on Spring Break or on our group trips. Our group trips still remaining include:
1) Vienna, Austria
2) Venice, Italy
3) Krakow, Poland
4) Auschwitz
5) Kutna Hora, Czech Republic
6) Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic
plus any day trips that our coordinators want to throw in there.

This upcoming week will be the start of our Spring Break and everything is planned and ready to go. We will have one class and lecture on Monday and then Tuesday we are off to Vienna for a two day group trip on the 13th and 14th. After that, we will continue on to Venice for another two day group trip on the 15th and 16th. Immediately after that is when our Spring Break officially begins. My Spring Break will consist of me hopping on a plane the 17th in Venice and heading to Rome, where I will spend the next two days visiting the Colosseum (always wanted to see it) and other Roman landmarks. Then on the 19th, my group (7 of us) will get on a plane in Rome and take off for Paris, where we will spend 3 days visiting the Eiffel Tower and enjoying some of their wonderful toast. On the 22nd, our group will get on the underwater train from Paris to London to enjoy 2 days with Big Ben and the Queen. On the 24th, we will head to the London airport and fly back to Prague with 2 days to either go back to Olomouc or go around the country. It will all depend how much money I have, because right now it's looking pretty tight. All in all, my Spring Break has cost me over $650 just for travelling and lodging, not to mention I will need food and souvenirs, we'll see just how far I can get with the money in my account.

Needless to say I am super excited about these upcoming couple of weeks. I am in the process of getting an online photo album account so I can post all of my pictures up from the first few weeks, plus our trip to an Olomouc soccer game. I hope everyone in the States is having a good time and being safe. I would also like to send my prayers and best wishes out to my Uncle Dave who is undergoing tests for possible cancer. You're in my thoughts and I hope everything turns out okay.

Until next time, watch out Europe!

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